Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Importance of Clean Air (Part 1)

While you know that air pollution is a problem that can contribute to health issues among other things, sometimes it is easy to forget about it. Since air pollution is invisible and the negative effects of it are so gradual, preventing it can sometimes get put on the back burner. But it is important to think ahead! Your health could slowly deteriorate from breathing in toxic and unclean air, so understanding why clean air is important is essential!

Respiratory problems. Air that is contaminated affects you more harshly if you suffer from a respiratory condition. It can cause symptoms like coughing, sneezing, runny nose, throat irritation, and even lead to more dangerous asthmatic or allergic reactions. In fact, if air is contaminated for a long period of time, it can lead to an epidemic of asthma in the home or community.

Other health issues. Depending on what exactly is contaminating the air, multiple health problems could stem from breathing it in. If a dangerous or toxic chemical is inhaled, there are any number of ways it can attack the body and decrease your health significantly. These health issues can range from learning disabilities, to cardiovascular diseases, and even premature death.

Natural air pollution.  It is important to recognize the difference between natural air pollution and what some call "urban" air pollution. Natural air pollution has been around for millions of years in the form of bacterias, viruses, pollen, and pet dander. Being exposed to these natural substances can actually build up a healthy immune system for you and your family.

Urban air pollution. Urban air pollution comes from machinery, vehicles, cleaning products, building materials, and paints. It is an unnatural source of pollution that attacks the body's immune system and weakens it to the point where we cannot defend against even natural air pollutants any longer.

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