Friday, July 4, 2014

Commercial Cleaning Made Simple

Cleaning your commercial spaces is an all-important, and often life-saving, aspect of your business. Hospitals, restaurants, and many other operations require a clean that goes beyond the norm, and that's where we come in.

Our revolutionary products are designed specifically for your applications, because we understand the need for a real clean, every time. We focus on creating environmentally-friendly products that you can count on, for a safe and efficient clean that keeps surfaces immaculate for longer periods of time than traditional cleaners.

But, why look for a new cleaner?

Protecting your patients, clients, and customers is your main priority, because this gives you the security your business deserves. Our cleaners increase the clean, which lowers your risk in every way. Your current cleaners may be a huge expenditure, cutting into your budget in uneven ways.

Our competitive pricing, combined with the shelf life and power of our products, will allow you to decrease your budget significantly, while actually receiving a better clean. Avir enzymes can be used for such a wide variety of diverse applications, you won't have to purchase dozens of specialty cleaners for different areas.

Our enzymes work on virtually every surface, with no fear of harming people, pets, or plants. Since they are 100% biodegradable, you can trust that your building will be both clean and green, offering you an opportunity for marketing, or at the very least, an increase in morale among your employees.

Best of all, you won't have to learn a new process or purchase special, expensive equipment in order to apply our products. Without leaving a slippery residue, our enzymes are easily utilized in any room, whether you are cleaning carpets, floors, outdoor surfaces, or even your septic system.

What makes us different?

To start with, everything. Our products are formulated from enzymes and surfactants which continue to clean even after your team has moved through a space. The cleansers we use thoroughly penetrate into surfaces at the microscopic level.

Designed to naturally decompose organic matter, our enzymes keep working over time to create surfaces that are virtually self-cleaning and deodorizing. Dirt and other debris will be more easily rinsed away, leaving a perfectly clean and safe surface.

Our products accelerate the growth of friendly bacteria that digest organic matter, offering the benefit of a real, brilliant cleaning and odor-control process for your facility.

Visit our website.

We offer a wealth of information about each of our products, how to put them to use in your environment, and detailed instructions for each specific application. It's our goal to help you make informed decisions to keep your spaces crystal clean day in and day out.

Feel free to contact us with all of your questions. You'll always be treated with the utmost courtesy and respect by our owner, who answers the phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Be confident that you can trust our expertise and our high quality products from the very first phone call.

We really care about your business.

We're always delighted to hear your feedback after you've tried our advanced cleaning and odor solutions, so feel free to add comments below or give us a call to let us know exactly what Avir has done, or can do for you! Our goal is to partner with you to enhance and refresh your spaces and eliminate odors in a safe and environmentally-friendly way.

No matter how subtle or complex your issues are, we have the solutions. In fact, many of our customers tell us they've been trying other products for years, but nothing comes even close to what we have to offer.

You can rely on us

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Take Care of Your Clean Water

Do you ever take your clean, filtered water from the tap for granted? All of us who live in the United States probably fall into this trap on a daily basis, but it is important to remember that clean water does not come easily to many people all around the world.

Keeping this fact in mind should inspire you not only to discover how you can assist global efforts for water quality, but also to create awareness in your own community about your local eco-system, wastewater treatment plants and their processes, and the way your cleaning and hygienic products or other chemicals are affecting your water.

Pollution from agricultural and industrial sources are major aggravators of the hydrological cycle and can disrupt the natural process that allows water to remain healthy for human consumption. Get an education about water quality around the world and see how we at Avir are working toward improving it every day.

We drain 2 million tons of sewage into our world's water every single day.

War and violence are not the number one global killer of our species. Water quality is.

Human, industrial, and agricultural waste are the most significant sources of water pollution because they are being inadequately treated and managed.

The most prevalent water quality issue occurring today is something called eutrophication. This problem is due to an excessive amount of phosphorous, nitrogen, and other nutrients being present in the water. Even too many nutrients are a bad thing when it comes to water quality, because they can reduce the benefits of water for the human body, and in some cases can even be a health risk.

Agricultural runoff, domestic and industrial sewage, and burning fossil fuels and bush fires that make their way from the atmosphere to the water supply are all sources of eutrophication.

The main bodies of water which are affected by this issue are lakes and reservoirs because their features and characteristics are more complex.

We know so little about how personal care products, pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, and pain killers affect the environment as a whole and the ecosystems in which we live, so our disposal methods for these items should be extremely careful and thorough.

Many of the major water pollutants stem from humans and our practices including microbes, organic chemicals, heavy metals, nutrients, oil and sediments, and even heat.

Learning more about our global water supply and the way we as humans are affecting it can make a difference. You can make a difference. Find ways to assist your local community and the global community alike in changing the way we approach disposing of waste and treating our water so it is usable, drinkable, and healthy.

Why do we care so much about water quality?

Here at Avir, we produce products for water quality to be used in aquaculture, wastewater treatment, and a variety of other unique industries. Our enzymes are biodegradable, fragrance free, dye free, organic, natural, and completely safe to be handled by anyone.

Best of all, our water quality products continue working wherever they go, which means if they're headed downstream or into the ocean, they'll continue the natural process of assisting bacteria with breaking down waste. Their ability to provide clean, fresh water to the earth does not end with your production, so you can lower your risk of being the cause of any water pollution.

We're always delighted to hear your feedback after you've tried our advanced solutions for water quality, so feel free to add comments below or give us a call to let us know exactly what Avir has done, or can do for you! Our goal is to partner with your business to enhance and refresh your production process, so we can all succeed together!

Let our experience and our products work for you.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Pet And Animal Odor Control

Whether you are a pet owner with an animal urine issue or a parks department dealing with a large population of one animal or another in a small area, animal odors can make any space extremely unpleasant fast. Spacious outdoor areas can become overwhelmed with very strong wildlife scents that will not be removed, even by the strongest of odor elimination processes.

This is because many odor control solutions are designed to mask unpleasant odors with heavy fragrances or even hazardous chemical combinations such as phthalates, which can adversely affect the health of your family or anyone who breathes in the substances. Especially if you are dealing with a strong odor in a small, enclosed space of your home, adding certain odor control products can simply make the problem even bigger.

Many people may develop allergic reactions due to air fresheners, sprays, candles, stick-ons, or plug-ins that are supposed to remove odors, but instead just add toxins to the air to cover the smell. Using certain pet odor removal products or techniques can actually harm your pets or the animals in the surrounding areas.

Most masking products don't last

Scented candles or other products which cover up smells in your home can work for a few hours, but most persistent smells will outlast them. Many products simply render the odor molecule inert for a time, or even dull your own nasal receptor sensitivity to the smell!

If you have ever had a pet odor or animal control problem, you know that these products don't really treat the cause, because the smell always returns, sometimes even stronger than before.

Our odor solutions can't be beat

At Avir, we carry products that work to literally transform the odor molecule into an inert amine, so the odor is not covered up, but converted to an odorless substance.

We do not use fragrances or encapsulates because they treat the symptoms instead of the source, and often take far too long to produce any results at all. Our odor solutions are biodegradable, completely safe, and do not contain agents to mask the smell. Instead, they work by actually converting the odor molecule in a natural way, so that the smell no longer exists.

And the best part is, our system is completely effective throughout every season of the year, including humid or dry atmospheres, and low or high wind conditions, so you can rely on our techniques no matter where you live.

You will smell the results, and we can prove them

Our methods are closely monitored so we can quantify the odor levels at your site and adjust our technology for optimum results, which means that you'll really notice a complete change immediately.

Clean, breathable air is our specialty, and for fifteen years we've perfected our odor neutralizing systems with the most advanced technology and state of the art equipment. We are all about creating a healthy environment for families and communities to enjoy.

We really care about you 

We're always delighted to hear your feedback after you've tried our advanced solutions for odor, so feel free to add comments below or give us a call to let us know exactly what Avir has done, or can do for you! Our goal is to partner with you to enhance and refresh your spaces and eliminate odors in a safe and environmentally-friendly way.

No matter how subtle or complex your odor issues are, we have the solutions. In fact, many of our customers tell us they've been trying other products for years, but nothing comes even close to what we have to offer. You won't believe your nose once our advanced products and state of the art systems have eliminated all of your odor problems.

You can rely on us

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wastewater treatment and why it's important for you

Wastewater treatment and why it's important for you 

Have you ever thought about what happens to the wastewater in your community? Your local ecosystem can be severely affected by it, which means all of the nature, plants, animals, and even friends and family that live in your area are not immune. Any microorganisms or chemicals that are lurking within its constitution have the potential to impact the environment and your health.

Wastewater treatment plants

Wastewater treatment plants utilize a diverse set of technologies to treat the water in your community that is intended for reuse and reduce any contaminants that could pose a threat. The main focus of these facilities is to protect public health in your local area, so they use advanced technologies and treatments to ensure that your drinking water is perfectly safe for you and your family.

Each separate facility requires a fresh perspective from wastewater managers and system operators because the treatments they use must be customized for the specific contaminants that are present, the intended use of the water, budgeting and cost concerns, and available waste disposal options or energy use issues.

No two locations are alike, so no two wastewater treatment plans should resemble each other entirely. It is important for your local wastewater treatment plant to address all of your community's individual needs.

On the recommendation of the National Research Council, many wastewater treatment plants are including redundant elements in their routine to make the process more reliable and the results safer and more secure. This repetition should ensure that your water supply remains potable and risk-free.

Many facilities are also incorporating more efficient and effective monitoring systems so that any equipment malfunctions, operator errors, or changes in the quality or quantity of the water moving through the system will be adjusted for accordingly.

What contaminants are typically found in wastewater?

Pathogens. These bacteria contain viruses and infections and enter our wastewater through human excrement and other types of waste. Some viruses can be a challenge to eliminate because they are so small, but even at lower concentrations, they can cause infection and other diseases.

Nutrients. Too many nutrients can actually be a bad thing for potable reuse. Excess nitrogen and phosphorous can cause algae to grow or can even be hazardous to your health.

Organic chemicals. Wastewater processes must thoroughly remove organic chemicals that are byproducts of pharmaceuticals, household chemicals, and natural hormones so that no health risks remain.

Others. Certain elements, like metals or salts, are some contaminants that can change how drinking water tastes, pose a risk for your own wellness and for the health of the environment.

It is vital for wastewater treatment plants to address these contaminants and any others that might be present in your local community. Breaking down waste and filtering out even the smallest of pathogens and organic chemicals is necessary to maintain a healthy ecosystem.

How we're helping wastewater treatment plants.

Avir Environmental offers a revolutionary enzyme product that eliminates bacteria naturally and effectively. Our biodegradable methods for ultimate water quality are unparalleled in the industry, so we can bring the truest cleanest water to your local wastewater treatment plant and your community.

Our enzymes are 100% fragrance and dye free, as well as being completely environmentally friendly and safe to be handled by anyone. They follow the normal and natural process of breaking down waste and helping reduce the contaminants in wastewater.

Contact us today to find out more about our environmentally friendly products and how we can transform your water quality and keep your eco-system in a condition that is healthy and natural.

Help us work toward environmental harmony in your community.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Interesting Facts About Aquaculture

Aquaculture is a type of farming that is practiced all over the world. Some of your favorite meals may be enjoyed thanks to the aquaculture industry, especially if you like salmon, catfish, or shrimp! Aquaculture production has actually exceeded that of wild fish captures, and for the last 30 years has been one of your main sources of fish, shrimp, oysters, seaweed, and much more.

But how long has aquaculture been around, and what can we learn about its history that could help us shape its future? How is it affecting our planet, our marine life, and our food products today?

Did you know that as early as 6000 BC the indigenous Gunditjmara people of Victoria, Australia might have been raising eels in the volcanic floodplains around Lake Condah? They actually created channels and dams in a 39 square mile area in order to capture the eels and preserve them, so they could be eaten all year long.

In China, in 2500 BC, floodwaters from the rivers would subside, leaving small lakes full of carp and other trapped fish. The people cultivated the fish and fed them, so they would reproduce and become a source of food. During the Tang Dynasty, a strange genetic mutation of the carp led to what we now call Goldfish.

In Japan, seaweed has been part of the aquaculture industry for years in a process that involves anchoring seaweed spores onto bamboo poles, nets, and even oyster shells.

Artificial fish hatcheries became very popular in Canada and the United States in the late eighteen hundreds.

Only .08 percent of known land plant species and .0002 percent of known land animal species are domesticated as of today, compared to .17 percent of known marine plant species and .13 percent of known marine animal species.

Eating marine animals turns out to be much healthier for humans, as most major infectious diseases, like smallpox and diphtheria, originated with our domesticated land animals.

In 2003, global production of shrimp from aquaculture farms increased to over 1.6 million tons, which is worth around 9 billion U.S. dollars.

Shrimp farms are overwhelmingly located in China and Thailand, with the remaining 25 percent in places like Brazil and other Latin American countries.

Shrimp raised in aquaculture farms are very susceptible to disease, increasing the mortality rates and leading shrimp farmers to look for more sustainable practices, with encouragement from their governments and environmental organizations, of course.

An approximate 90 percent of the shrimp consumed in the U.S. today is farmed and imported.

Fish do not actually produce the popular omega-3 fatty acids that you can find at your health food store. They accumulate the fatty acids by consuming micro algae, or eating other fish who have. That's why in aquaculture, over 50 percent of the world's fish oil is actually fed to farmed salmon.

The biggest concerns when it comes to aquaculture farms are waste-handling, the use and side effects of antibiotics, and the use of other fish to feed the more marketable, carnivorous fish.

When waste collects on the bottom of the ocean, lakes, or ponds where fish are being farmed, it can damage or even exterminate all life living at the bottom, decrease oxygen levels, and disrupt the growth and life of any other wild animals living in the area.

Why are we so invested in aquaculture?

At Avir Environmental, we produce enzyme products that are revolutionizing the aquaculture industry. Our biodegradable and sustainable enzymes eliminate the waste that causes damage to both the farmed fish or shrimp, and also to other animals living in the environment. Our products clean the water, without leaving any damage behind. Visit our website for more information about our innovative water quality solutions.

Let our experience and our products work for you.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Avir in aquaculture

We're excited about the advancements our products are making in the aquaculture industry all around the world. With our water quality solutions, companies are increasing profits by lowering their labor and feed costs on shrimp, tilapia, carp, and salmon farms, among countless others!

Our innovative products and advanced enzymes create cleaner, healthier habitats for fish, crustaceans, and mollusks, allowing for them to grow larger at a faster rate while lowering mortality across the board.

See an increase in your production.

Use less feed and still get better results, for a bottom line you'll love. Our enzymes restore the habitat on your farm to a pristine condition, eliminating excess waste, sediment, algae, and pollution, leaving a fresh and clean environment behind. They work naturally and efficiently, so you can rely on them all season long.

Once their habitat is restored, your fish, shrimp, or other aquatic animal will be capable of fighting off disease-causing bacteria, lowering mortality rates and increasing your revenue substantially. They'll be healthier, larger, and an all around better product for you to sell to your clients.

Allow us to introduce our products.

Enzymes. Not bacteria. That's what we use to completely transform your aquaculture farm into a more thriving, lucrative business. Our products are hardy, durable, and completely biodegradable, for a new kind of water quality you've never seen before.

You can use less manpower while our products do the cleaning for you, by breaking down waste for  naturally present bacteria, moving the growth process along. Our products work fast, to ensure that your production is on or ahead of schedule every single season.

Best of all, they last. Our enzymes are temperature resistant and maintain an exceptionally long shelf life, so you can rest assured that you'll be getting the most for your money.

Environmentally friendly.

Our water quality products continue working wherever they go, which means if they're headed downstream or into the ocean, they'll continue the natural process of assisting bacteria with breaking down waste. Their ability to provide clean, fresh water to the earth does not end with your production, so you can lower your risk of being the cause of any water pollution.

The enzymes are biodegradable, fragrance free, dye free, and completely safe to be handled by anyone. We provide the best way to deliver the completely organic, natural products to your clients that they love. Any fish or shrimp from one of our farms are sure to be larger, healthier, and a better all-around product to ensure that your customers keep coming back for more.


Our products contain thousands of unique strains of enzymes, so whatever your needs, we can handle them. Any type of sediment or waste, in Ph levels of three to twelve will be dealt with when you use our product. We'll help you eliminate the redundant biological products you might be dependent on, because ours do it all.

Humanitarian farming.

Caring for your water quality and the habitat of your fish, shrimp, or other product doesn't just mean you'll be gaining a better product. It allows you to provide a flourishing environment for animals where they are free of hunger and thirst, discomfort, pain, disease, injury, fear, and distress. It allows them to live as normally as possible in their environment, which is what leads to the healthiest aquaculture farm of all.

We really care about your business.

We're always delighted to hear your feedback after you've tried our advanced solutions for water quality, so feel free to add comments below or give us a call to let us know exactly what Avir has done, or can do for you! Our goal is to partner with your business to enhance and refresh your production process, so we can all succeed together!

Let our experience and our products work for you.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Odor Elimination in the Composting Industry

See the difference we can make for your organic waste composting facility when you try our odor neutralizing systems. You won't believe your nose once our advanced products and state of the art systems have eliminated all of your odor problems.

If you've ever purchased organic compost for your garden, soil, or lawn, then we know you value sustainable and eco-friendly solutions for the environment as well as your own backyard.

So do we, which is why we help organic waste facilities with one important aspect of their production every day. These facilities are working to reduce the overabundance of food waste and other organic byproducts in our communities, which has a multitude of benefits, but can lead to at least one unpleasant side effect. Odor.

That's where we come in.

We aim to support sustainable businesses by eliminating the inevitable air pollution and odors that arise while working with organic waste. Our innovative and advanced solutions for odor control make it possible for organic waste composting facilities to function without any unbecoming odor problems. In fact, we have cut odor complaints by up to 90% at some of the most reputable and advanced organic waste composting facilities in the country!

Clean, breathable air is our specialty, and for fifteen years we've perfected our odor neutralizing systems with the most advanced technology and state of the art equipment. We are all about creating a healthy environment for families and communities to enjoy.

So, how do we do it?

Organic waste facilities need assistance with a broad spectrum of odors from sulfides including hydrogen sulfide, to ammonias and many other air contaminants. They are thrilled when we tell them we can adjust the blends of our odor neutralizers for any mixture of air contaminating odors, so the treatment is completely customizable for their needs, and yours too.

This means that no matter how subtle or complex your odor issues are, we have the solutions. In fact, many of our customers tell us they've been trying other products for years, but nothing comes even close to what we have to offer.

Our odor solutions can't be beat

We do not use fragrances or encapsulates because they treat the symptoms instead of the source. Our odor solutions are biodegradable, completely safe, and do not contain masking agents to cover up the smell. Instead, they work by actually converting the odor molecule into an inert amine.

And the best part is, our system is completely effective throughout every season of the year, including humid or dry atmospheres, and low or high wind conditions.

You can smell the results, and we can prove them

Our methods are closely monitored so we can quantify the odor levels at your site and adjust our technology for optimum results. We've helped our customers steer clear of trouble with regional and state commissions for air regulation, as well as lawsuits and legal challenges involving air pollution. We know we're all working toward the same goal of sustainable and pollution-free communities!

And our efforts for organic waste composting facilities don't stop there! We get the same results for waste water treatment plants, landfills, processing facilities, manufacturing and many more.

We really care about your business

We're always delighted to hear your feedback after you've tried our advanced solutions for odor, so feel free to add comments below or give us a call to let us know exactly what Avir has done, or can do for you! Our goal is to partner with your business to enhance and refresh your production process, so we can all succeed together! 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Take Care of Your Clean Air

Your home is a safe space for you and your family to grow and live, but are you sure that you are not compromising your air quality without realizing it? Take some steps to ensure that the air you are breathing in your home is safe and healthy!

Air fresheners: These products are often doing the exact opposite of freshening your air. Made with toxic chemicals, which do not really eliminate odor, but simply mask it, these dangerous products can cause damage to your health, as well as the health of your family.

Cleaning products: A general rule for cleaning products is if you can smell them, they are toxic! Products that contain bleach and other chemicals make it hard to breathe and can even cause your eyes to burn. Don't use them!

Carbon monoxide: Make sure that you have a carbon monoxide detector in your home, and check it often to make sure it is working. Carbon monoxide can result from cigarette smoke, cars, heaters, dryers, stoves, or anything that does not run on electricity. 

Formaldehyde: Did you know formaldehyde is used to bond different products in new homes, trailers, and mobile homes? Insulation, plywood, and plastics can all expel this toxin into the air for years.

Cosmetics: Aerosol cans containing hairspray, deodorant, or other cosmetic products can release toxins into the air when you spray them. Try looking for alternative cosmetic products that are natural and biodegradable!

You! Yes, even human lungs and skin release toxins into the air, which is why checking the air quality in your home, and making sure you have proper air flow is essential. Periodically open windows and doors and change your furnace filters regularly to ensure that your air is clean.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Importance of Clean Air (Part 1)

While you know that air pollution is a problem that can contribute to health issues among other things, sometimes it is easy to forget about it. Since air pollution is invisible and the negative effects of it are so gradual, preventing it can sometimes get put on the back burner. But it is important to think ahead! Your health could slowly deteriorate from breathing in toxic and unclean air, so understanding why clean air is important is essential!

Respiratory problems. Air that is contaminated affects you more harshly if you suffer from a respiratory condition. It can cause symptoms like coughing, sneezing, runny nose, throat irritation, and even lead to more dangerous asthmatic or allergic reactions. In fact, if air is contaminated for a long period of time, it can lead to an epidemic of asthma in the home or community.

Other health issues. Depending on what exactly is contaminating the air, multiple health problems could stem from breathing it in. If a dangerous or toxic chemical is inhaled, there are any number of ways it can attack the body and decrease your health significantly. These health issues can range from learning disabilities, to cardiovascular diseases, and even premature death.

Natural air pollution.  It is important to recognize the difference between natural air pollution and what some call "urban" air pollution. Natural air pollution has been around for millions of years in the form of bacterias, viruses, pollen, and pet dander. Being exposed to these natural substances can actually build up a healthy immune system for you and your family.

Urban air pollution. Urban air pollution comes from machinery, vehicles, cleaning products, building materials, and paints. It is an unnatural source of pollution that attacks the body's immune system and weakens it to the point where we cannot defend against even natural air pollutants any longer.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How To Deal With Cleaning Product Labels

Did you know that manufacturers are not required to list every ingredient that they place into their cleaning products onto the label?  Because of this lack of regulation, many of the cleaning products you use in your home could be extremely toxic and contain chemicals that could cause health problems for you, your family, or your pets down the road.  

In fact, the New York Poison Control Center did a study on cleaning products and found that 85 percent of the labels were inadequate when it came to stating what was actually contained in the products.  Start safe practices and learn how to read cleaning product labels so that you can keep toxins out of your home for good!

Heed the warning.  If a label contains the words "danger", "warning", or "poison" it is pretty obvious that it should be avoided at all costs.  You do not want to put poison where your dog or child might walk, eat, or even touch.  However, these warnings address only immediate health risks.  For products whose effects on our health take more time, there may be no warning on the label at all.

Know what could happen.  Toxic cleaning products can produce health risks in numerous ways.  Many are toxic to the respiratory and circulatory systems over time.  Others can cause damage to your mucous membranes, bone marrow, liver or kidney.  Still others can depress your nervous system, or are suspected to be carcinogens.  If it were your choice, would you ever keep these things in your household and willingly touch or inhale them?

Educate yourself.  So, you are ready to turn around, throw all of your cleaning products out and start fresh.  But, wait.  Do not think that by purchasing products that advertise their environmental friendliness that you are any closer to detoxifying your home.  These manufacturers still do not have to list every ingredient that is contained in their products, and so it is important to do your research.

The more, the better.  Manufacturers who provide the most amount of information on their label are generally the most trustworthy.  Check to see if there is a long list of ingredients on the bottle, and make sure that none of them include the words "petroleum-based surfactants", "chlorine" or "phosphates".  Look for the words "non-toxic" and "biodegradable" rather than "environmentally friendly" or environmentally sound".  

Suspect the sponge.  If you prefer to clean with sponges, be sure to purchase only pure cellulose sponges at a hardware store or natural-food store.  Sponges that boast about killing or resisting odors have probably been treated by a synthetic disinfectant which can actually cause bacteria to become resistant to it. Keep your sponges free of germs by boiling them for three to five minutes instead of using harmful disinfectants.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What To Look For In Your Cleaning Products

Are you looking to switch cleaning products? There are a number of reasons people decide to trade in products they have used for years, but it usually comes down to ingredients.  Many people are not aware of the amount of toxic chemicals which are used to create even environmentally-friendly looking products. Using these toxic chemicals to clean your house can affect not only the surfaces you are cleaning, but your family and pets as well.

In order to detoxify your house and remove products that contain substances which are harmful, here are a few items to avoid.

1.  Chlorinated phenols are substances that are often found in toilet bowl cleaners.  These chemicals are toxic to the respiratory system and the circulatory system.  Different types of phenols can be found in disinfectants, and can produce the same negative effects on the respiratory and circulatory systems.  

2.  Diethylene glycol is used in many window cleaning products and it can depress the nervous system, which could decrease your breathing patterns and heart rate.

3.  Nonylphenol ethoxylate is commonly found in laundry detergents or all-purpose cleaners.  This toxin is actually banned in Europe, but can still be found in homes all over the United States.  When it biodegrades, it slowly turns into even more toxic compounds.

4.  Formaldehyde, which is a respiratory irritant and a possible carcinogen can be found in spray and wick deodorizers.

5.  Petroleum solvents found in some floor cleaners can cause damage to mucous membranes, which increases your chances for becoming ill as bacteria can freely come and go through your air passages.

6.  Perchloroethylene is often used as a spot remover, even though it can cause kidney and liver damage!

7.  Butyl cellosolve is another commonly used toxin in all-purpose cleaners and window cleaners, among others.  This chemical actually damages bone marrow, the nervous system, the liver, and the kidney.

Many of these toxins are added to cleaners in order to dissolve dirt more quickly, and no law requires a manufacturer to add an entire list of ingredients to their cleaning product labels.  At Avir, we want to make sure that your home is non-toxic, as well as perfectly clean.  That is why our enzyme products are extensively tested and are never "enhanced" with any toxic or harmful chemicals.  Detoxify your home and make it a safe place for your children, pets, and family by ensuring that the cleaning products you are using are not toxic!